Homebrew Radio Links - K3UH (Russ)

I've tried to list links where there is (1) a picture, and (2) a schematic. Some of the pages are in other languages, particularly German. Where I don't want to slog through in a half-understood language, I use Google's translation page. Try it; it opens new worlds. (Version 1.0.3, September 8, 2007)
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Audio Amplifier - 2 Stage

#ProjectCommentsSub-type# partsTubes used
12 x 40 W Valve amplifier with Active Grid BiasingParts count is for both channelsActive Grid Bias32.0ECC81, EL84 (4)
2Audio AmplifierFrom November 1951 "Electronics" MagazineCathode Follower13.06AS7G(2)
32A3 Single Ended cathode follower drive amplifierWhat's with the background of this web page?Cathode Follower19.06U8, 2A3
4My first tube amplifierIntended for use as a separate state to have around for radio use. Good walk-through of technical design principles.Class A7.012AX7
5Amplifier “RADIO LAMPA” with 22 tubes 2SH27L[from German] 22 tubes make sense, if they are very small, and you have enough time on you hands to over-engineer something like this. Bravo!Class A65.02SH27L(22)
6Stereo amplifier, four times PL504[from German] Nice tall, thin power tubes with improvised (?) caps for a cool new look.Class A Amplifier12.0PL504(2)
7Beam power tube EL504[from German] Similar to his PL504 Verstarker, but allows switching from triode to pentode modes. Also different packaging.Class A Amplifier14.0EL504(2)
8Voorversterker gebouwd rond de B406 DHTIn Dutch, I believeMu-follower17.012HG7,B406
9Mu-stage voorversterker rond de 6H23, 6922,ECC88In Dutch, I believeMu-follower20.06H23
10EL86 OTL AmplifierSchematic only.OTL13.0EL86 (2)
11Low Voltage OTL AmplifierSchematic only. Oh, and I snuck in some transistors.OTL13.012B4
1225L6 Power-Transformerless AmplifierHe discusses the trouble-shooting of some "sonic flaws"OTL21.012SN7,25L6(2)
13Parallel Cathode Follower AmplifierHow to string along the 6DK6's in parallel; the more the merrierOTL22.012AU7, 6DK6 (3)
1412B4 OTL AmplifierSchematic only.OTL24.06AU6, 6S4, 12B4 (2)
15Horizontal Sweep Tube OTLHow to string along the 6CD6's in parallel; the more the merrierOTL32.06SJ7, 6AQ5, 6CD6 (3)
16Power output stage with 4 PL519[From German] "For Low Impendance Transducers.Parallel43.0PCL82, PL509 (4)
172A3 PSE - Parallel Single EndedIs this really the right title?Parallel SE10.05842, 2A3 (2)
18OTL Amplifier[In Vietnamese] First project on the pageParallel SE22.06SJ7, 6SN7, 6080
196CK4 Direct-Coupled PP AmplifierSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlPush Pull12.012BZ7 (2), 6CK4 (2)
20Audio Amplifier with 2x807[In Dutch] Schematic Only. 120 WattsPush Pull12.06L6, 807 (2)
21Push Pull AmplifierSchematic, parts list, and some results.Push Pull13.06C45(2)
2231LQ6 Push Pull AmplifierProof that those weird tubes might be worth somethingPush Pull15.06EA8, 6DJ8, 31LQ6 (2)
2316A8 in Push Pull configuration[From Japanese]. Push Pull with a triode/pentode acting as drivers and power amps.Push Pull16.016A8 (2)
24813 Matrix AmplifierMinimal discussionPush Pull16.06BM8, 813 (2)
25Balanced low-Z mic/line amp with TUBESBalanced line amplifier. Schematic only.Push Pull18.012AU7 (2)
26PP Amp Using "Iron Concertina" Phase SplitterInteresting circuit. Author has some ideas on the transformerPush Pull18.012B4, 2A3
27600 Watt Audio Modulator[In Dutch] Schematic Only. 800 WattsPush Pull19.0EL84, EL34 (2), 810 (2)
28Push Pull Tube AmpI like his comments about the sound of the music and examples of good sources. Movie cartoons as a sound source!Push Pull19.06EU7, 6BQ5 (2)
29AhA! 2a3 Push-Pull amplifierBased on "JE labs Stereo pp2a3"Push Pull20.06SN7(2),2A3(2)
306B4 PP AmpSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlPush Pull20.06SN7, 6DJ8, 6B4 (2)
31Experimental Amplifier[From Japanese] Strange circuit.Push Pull20.06BQ7, 6AU6, 6V6
32171A Push Pull AmplifierAll tubes from the 20s and 30sPush Pull21.0227 (2), 171A (2)
33Parallel Push Pull AmplifierTranslated from the GermanPush Pull22.0ECC83,EL34(2)
342A3 Push Pull AmplifierSchematic only. Main index is http://www.bonavolta.ch/hobby/en/audio/audioel.htm#AmpsPush Pull23.012AU7, 6C4 (2), 2A3 (2)
35Ten Watt Triode AmplifierSchematic only.Push Pull24.06AV6, 6CG7, 6BX7
366L6 Push Pull AmpSchematic only. 20 WattsPush Pull24.06SL7, 6SN7, 6L6 (2)
37807 Ultralinear PP AmpSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlPush Pull24.06SL7, 6DJ8, 807 (2)
38171A class A push-pull amplifierUses tubes from 20's and 30's.Push Pull24.0227(2),171A(2)
396146 Push Pull AmplifierSchematic only. 20 WattsPush Pull25.06SN7 (2), 6146 (2)
40Official Stromberg-Carlson APH-1050 ShrineConversion of a PA system to a HiFi AmplifierPush Pull25.06GH8, 6CD6 (2)
41Stereo integrated 845 SE amp6DN7 is similar to 6EA7. And I love the looks of the 845!Push Pull25.06DN7 (2), 845 (2)
426EM7 Push Pull AmplifierInteresting approach.Push Pull27.06AQ8, 6EM7 (2)
43Double Push Pull 6V6 AmpSchematic only. Double push pull cathode follower.Push Pull28.06SN7 (2), 6V6 (4)
446EM7 Push Pull AmplifierIn English with Spanish commentaryPush Pull28.06AQ8,6EM7(4)
45A 6080/6AS7G-Verstärker[From German]. Why the extra tube?Push Pull29.0ECC81, 6189, 6080 (2)
4625CD6 Amplified[From Japanese]. Story and schematic.Push Pull30.012AT7, 12AX7, 25CD6
47Basic Audio AmplifierIn English and Dutch.Push Pull30.0ECC83,EL84
48Push-Pull 845[In French].Push Pull30.06J5, R130, 845 (2)
496AH4 in Push Pull configuration[From Japanese]. Uh, Oh, another MOSFET in the name of science. All projects on this site have a "publication page" with discussion.Push Pull31.06FQ7, 6AH4
50Dogzilla Power Amp200 Watts powered by six 807'sPush Pull31.06SN7, 807 (6)
51High-Fidelity Tube AmplifierFrom the RCA Receiving Tube ManualPush Pull32.012AU7, 6AU6 (2), 6V6 (2)
52LEAK " POINT ONE " AMPLIFIERFrom a 1945 article.Push Pull33.0EF36,ECC33,KT88(2)
53An 813 AmplifierAny time I see over 1,000 volts on the plate I know someone was serious.Push Pull33.0EC86,5842,A2134(2),813(2)
54Push-Pull Class A 2A3 Stereo AmpLast paragraph describes invasion of his garage by Keith, Mick and companyPush Pull33.06SL7,6SN7,2A3(2)
55ECL82'er[From German] ECL82 = 6BM8. There is an auxiliary preamp at the bottom of the page (5 parts)Push Pull33.0ECL82 (2)
56Push-Pull Class A 2A3 Stereo AmpNice writeup on his experiments with modificationsPush Pull34.06SL7,6SN7,6L6
57Projekt Mono 845[In German] Looks like the prototype for a commercial productPush Pull34.06DN7, 845
58807 Push Pull AmplifierSchematic only. From 1949.Push Pull34.06SN7 (2), 807 (2)
59Mamont (aka Mammoth, Mamoet, Mammut ...) power ampWas "built around Atma-Sphere M-60 design". But I have to admit I can't tell what is going in with this schematic.Push Pull35.06SN&(8)
60Ultralinear Amp with EL508[From German] Quite involved power supply.Push Pull39.0EF86, ECC83, EL508 (2)
61Martin Logan SL3 direct-coupled tube powerampWhew! Even the speaker (I think . . .) is part of the schematic.Push Pull48.0E180F, 6EM7 (2), SV572-3
6260 Watt Audio Power Amplifier[In Spanish]. Schematic only. For a photo, click the link at the bottom of the page and slect Foto for this project.Push Pull50.06AN8, KT88 (2)
63RA-100 Integrated AmplifierMonster project by Fred Nachbauer. Puts us all to shame.Push Pull191.012AX7 (4), 12AT7 (4), 6CB6 (2), 6L6 (4), 0B2 (2)
64Simple push-pull amplifier[from German] Simple approach, and different way of setting up the schematic.Push-Pull8.0EL504
65P-Röhrenverstärker X-MAS-Wonder 2005[from German] Made from cheap partsPush-Pull17.0PCL85(4)
66Amplifier with EL84[From French]. EL84 = 6BQ5Push-Pull19.012AX7, 6BQ5
67832 Transmitting Tetrode P-P AmplifierNow that is one weird-looking tube. Kind of squat and "cute", I guess.Push-Pull27.012AT7,832
68Restauro LEAK TL/12 Point One[In Italian] At least it looks like an amplifier to me.Push-Pull43.0EF36, ECC33, KT66(2), GZ32
69Battery Powered 26 Tube AmplifierInteresting discussion about what it takes to run an amplifier's B+ on batteries, and charge them, in the real world.RC Loaded10.02C51, 26
703 Watt SE Amplifier with 6BM8 TubeThat 6BM8 keeps popping up.SE16.06BM8
71OTL - Output Transformerless Tube AmpFirst project on the pageSEPP9.0E182CC, ECC83, 6C33 (2)
723 Watt EL34 SE-AMPInteresting construction materialSingle Ended5.0EL34
736J5 Single stage UTC A-25 OutputIn Chinese or English; Interesting main site. Can use 6J5 (which is 1/2 a 6SN7)Single Ended5.06SN7
74Single Ended AmplifierSchematic, parts list, and some results.Single Ended7.06C45
75Thorium Power Amp from VT52.comExperiment with Low Mu high power tubesSingle Ended7.010Y, 842
76Single Ended Dual Mono AmplifierNot sure of the point here.Single Ended7.06C45
77Parallel Single Ended AmplifierMore variations on a themeSingle Ended8.06C45
78Simple 45 AmplifierSuggests 45 or 2A3 tubes.Single Ended9.06SL7, 45
79Low Cost Triode SET AmplifierAuthor notes that even with new parts this amp would be under $100. 13EM7 has a 12.6V heater; see the 6EM7Single Ended9.013EM7
802A3 SE AmplifierSchematic only. 2A6 is driver.Single Ended9.02A6, 2A3
81Audio amplifier with ECL80[In Slovenian?] The stereo version further down the page is an interesting variant.Single Ended9.0ECL80
82Guided Missle AmpMade with Bendix military-grade hardened glass radar tubes or something like that.Single Ended10.06SL7, 6AR6
836V6 SE #1 AmpSchematic only. From 1949. SE cathode follower.Single Ended10.06SJ7, 6V6
84J.C. Morrison Circuit - Amplifier[In German]. Minimal parts.Single Ended10.06SL7, 2A#
85Audio amplifier with EL84[In Slovenian?]Single Ended10.0ECC83, EL84
86Early "Ultrapath" Circuit AmplifierI like the relaxed circuit commentary: "0,43mA through a tube seems too little to me , the 500 ohm resistor is just there to give you a headache "Single Ended11.02A6, 2A3
876CS7 Single Ended AmplifierChassis is a cookie can. Translated from the JapaneseSingle Ended11.06CS7
88A Single Ended 12B4A Integrated Amplifier. 1.5 Watts.Really fun walk through of the circuit and design process for this 1.5W simple amp.Single Ended11.06AU6, 12B4A
89Yet Another 2A3 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended11.02A6, 2A3
906BX7 AmplifierSchematic only. The 6BX7's are in parallelSingle Ended11.0ECC81, 6BX7
91Loftin and White 2A# SE Amp[In German]. Minimal parts for 2A6 and 2A3.Single Ended11.02A6, 2A3
923V4 SE Stereo AmplifierIn JapaneseSingle Ended11.01U5, 3V4
93Morrison's Micro 3.5 Watt AmpSchematic only.Single Ended11.06SL7, 2A3
946AC5 Single Ended AmplifierNot really sure I got the tubes right (or that it matters?)Single Ended12.06AC5(2),6CG7
95"Kismet" AmplifierFrom a German site. Main page is http://members.aol.com/ikschiffer/index.htmlSingle Ended12.06922,2A3
96"Free Lunch" from Jeremy EpsteinExtensive discussion of his thought process. Direct coupled.Single Ended12.06C45, 2A3
97WE-717A + 2A3 SE amplifierPretty transformersSingle Ended12.0WE717A,2A3
98VT-52 SE Amplifier #2Schematic only. Uses 1/2 E83CC.Single Ended12.0E83CC, VT52
99572-10 Triode AmplifierThis circuit was apparently used by Svetlana to promote their 572-10 triodeSingle Ended12.06BM8, 572-10
100Amity and AuroraTwo Amplifiers with VERY extensive and perceptive commentsSingle Ended12.0ECC99, 300B
101300B AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended12.06SJ7, 300B
102" MONOtriodino 3 " a 2a3 DHT SE amplifierI like the Italian sites. Everything is so exciting! Sample: "from an electrical point of view (driving capabilities, band, slew rate) this was clearly outstanding SE"!Single Ended12.06SN7,2A3
103Tube Headphone AmplifierVery complete page - practical discussion, curves, printed circuit boards, etc.Single Ended12.06SN7, E182CC
1046EM7 SE AmplifierInteresting circuit board mountingSingle Ended12.06EM7
105Single Ended 6BQ5 AmplifierBuilt on a Zenith base.Single Ended12.012AX7, 6BQ5
106VT52 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended12.0E83CC, VT52
107Half-Watt transformer-coupled 6EM7 ampI greatly appreciated the history lesson and how it applied to the 6EM7. I also notice he used a filament transformer as an output transformer for this tube (which I've done before).Single Ended12.06EM7
1081626 SE amplifier"The Jeremy Epsteins DC-coupled variant of the Darling amp with two parallelled 1626s per channel"Single Ended12.08532,1626(2)
109Experimental 6EM7 AmplifierFirst message in the thread has a link to the schematicSingle Ended12.06EM7
110SV572-3 Single Ended AmplifierIt's always heartening when they say "This project can kill you!"Single Ended13.06SN7,6BX7,SV572-3
111Stereo SE EL34 HiFi AmplifierFrom Angela InstrumentsSingle Ended13.06SL7, EL34
1122A3 Amplifier on a BudgetShort explanationSingle Ended13.012AX7, 2A3
113Direct Reactance Drive SE 300B AmplifierWhy can't MY troubleshooting produce this: "I fired up the system again and absolutely soiled my drawers. I had never heard sound like this from my system. It was just huge. Clean, dynamic, galactic soundstage."Single Ended13.06AQ8,300B
1146AQ5 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended13.012AT7, 6AQ5
1156BM8 Amp[From Korean] The translation is interesting.Single Ended13.06AK5, 6BM8
1166V6 Hi Fi Amplifier"The schematic is from diyaudio.co.kr, which I believe is a Korean site - how cool is that?"Single Ended13.06SL7,6V6
117DIY SET AmpThe NetherlandsSingle Ended14.06N1P, EL34
118Single ended 6s4 amplifier with a 6dj8 SRPP driver stageSimilar to the 6S4 Micro Triode AmpSingle Ended14.06DJ8, 6S4
119VT-52 SE Amplifier #3Schematic only. The ECC83's are in parallel.Single Ended14.0E83CC, VT52
120Simple 45 / 2A3Another take on a classic design from the "RCA tube R-C amp chart"Single Ended14.06SL7, 45
121Gary Pimm Phono AmpThe Netherlands. Interesting tubes.Single Ended14.06ER5, 6GK5
1226EM7 amplifier[From Japanese]. Ascii schematic.Single Ended14.06EM7
1236AS7 SE AmplifierLooks like a good beginner projectSingle Ended14.012AU7,6AS7
124EL84 SE Hi Fi amplifier[From German]. With negative feedback.Single Ended14.0ECC83, EL84
125JE Labs Stereo Single Ended 2A3 Amplifier2001 Edition. Good discussion of parts.Single Ended14.06SL7, 2A3
1262A3 single ended power amplifierTranslated from the German.Single Ended14.0E80CC,2A3
127Wardsweb Direct Coupled 2A3Pretty slick for a first-timerSingle Ended14.06SL7, 2A3
128WE310 Jean Higara design AmplifierFrom "Jean Hiraga's book , la maison de l'audiophile"Single Ended14.0WE310, VT52
129EL84 Single Ended AmplifierJapanese builder, but page is in EnglishSingle Ended14.06AQ8,EL84
1302A3 SE Amp - from tutorialSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlSingle Ended14.06SL7, 2A3
1316EW7 SE AmplifierLots of pictures of this nice-looking kit (apparently cheap, too, when not sold out).Single Ended14.06EW7
1326DN7 SE amp6DN7 is a dissimilar triode. This article makes me envious of people who seem to swim in a sea of hand-wound output transformers.Single Ended15.06DN7
133Minivollamps single end with EL34[From German]. No schematic, but the circuit is probably typical. More important is the construction approach, which really seems doable.Single Ended15.012AX7, 6V6
134Loftin White VT52 AmplifierMore wry schematic commentary: "Lots of parallelling of capacitors , automatic bias everywhere"Single Ended15.0E83CC, VT52
135845 Pramp.Author says "These [Japanese] are crazy! I wish I could listen to one of these!"Single Ended15.0845 (2)
136Single Ended eXperimenter's kitUses the 6DN7 dissimilar triode so you have both driver and power amp in same section.Single Ended15.06EM7
1376EA7 AmplifierNo schematic here, but the pictures are nice. See some of the 6EM7 amps for a circuit.Single Ended15.06EM7
138Single Ended Amp Using 45 DHT'sI think this is from Glass AudioSingle Ended15.06SN7,45
1396V6 SE #2 AmpSchematic only. From 1957. 4.2 watts. Used as a treble amplifier.Single Ended15.06J7, 6V6
140300B SE Amp - from tutorialSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlSingle Ended15.06SN7, 300B
1416DN7 giant killer ampUses only 2 tubes for stereoSingle Ended15.06DN7
14235l6 Single Ended AmplifierPreamp and power stage. Translated from the JapaneseSingle Ended15.012AX7,35l6
14350BM8 Single Ended AmplifierMore avoidance of the power transformerSingle Ended15.050BM8
1441626 Single Ended AmplifierPreamp and power stage. Translated from the JapaneseSingle Ended15.06DJ8,1626
145The building of a tube amplifier[From German]. Shows some photos of vacuum tube assembly, etc.Single Ended15.012AX7, EL84
1466EM7 SE AmplifierLook at picture to see a triumph of compact thinking.Single Ended15.06EM7
147VT52 AmplifierAuthor examines many different types of 45 tube, heaping praise all aroundSingle Ended15.0RE134, VT52
148211 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended16.06AU6, 12BH7, 211
149JE Labs 300B SE Amp"I am merely a 'triode chef' mixing a concoction of ingredients"Single Ended16.06SN7, 300B
1506AQ5 Amplifier[From Japanese]. Schematic only.Single Ended16.06AV6, 6AQ5
151300B Single Ended Triode Mono Block AmplifierAfter the JE Labs versionSingle Ended16.06SN7, 300B
152One tube 6BM8 SingleEnd FET inputTranslated from the JapaneseSingle Ended16.06BM8
1536550 Amplifier"Power tubes can be use EL34 , KT88 , 6L6GC instead of 6550"Single Ended16.012AX7(2),6550
154PCL82 SE Amplifier"Here are some pictures (I warned you: I am the least talented chassis builder on this planet !)" (I like it, though, K3UH)Single Ended16.0PCL82(2)
155Another 6AS7 Amplifier[In Vietnamese] Scroll 60% of way down page to Post #33.Single Ended16.06DJ8, 6AS7
1566L6 SE Amp - from tutorialSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlSingle Ended16.0EF86, 6L6
157Clarion: A simple 2A3 ProjectPDF file. Extensive photos and description.Single Ended16.0ECC89, 2A3
158SETA - Single Ended Tube AmplifierFrom Andrea Ciuffoli. Check out his extensive projects page.Single Ended17.06SN7, KT90
159Stereo output stage single end AClet with PCL86[From German]. Very nice looking.Single Ended17.0PCL86
160A PX25 SE-power amplifierThe Ca is "an exotic tube"Single Ended17.0Ca,PX25
161Single Ended Class A2 SV811-10 Stereo AmpNice complete writeupSingle Ended17.06SL7,6SN7,6AS7,SV811-10
162Single Ended, Single Transformer ESL Amplifier ProjectOngoing project and commentarySingle Ended17.06SN7,6c33
1636J7 Driving a 300B AmplifierSounds a menu item. I like it when a forum discusses a design.Single Ended17.06J7, 2A3
1642-Stage Amp with PCL86[From German] Another approach using tube similar to 6EM7 or 6BM8 (ie, driver and power in one dissimilar tube)Single Ended17.0PCL86
1656P3P Single Ended AmplifierNice stereo setup. This might be a good first-time project.Single Ended17.012AT7,6P3P
166Transformer Coupled Cathode Follower Driver Stage 6DRT - 300B SEHurray for Belgium! (Sorry, this is the first site I've seen from there.)Single Ended17.06DRT, 300B
16750C5 Single Ended Triode AmplifierUses the tubes from the All American Five. Radios and Amps Unite!Single Ended17.014GT8, 50C5
1686C41 PreampThe Netherlands. Schematic only.Single Ended17.0D3a, 6N1P, 6C41B
169A clock amplifier with the EL8[From German]. Approx. 1.75 Watts outputSingle Ended17.0EF6, EL8
1706F5P SET AmplifierLost of discussion of the effects of changing different parts.Single Ended17.06F5P
1716V6 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended17.06J7, 6V6
1722A3 Simple Amp[In Vietnamese] Scroll down to post #100Single Ended17.012AT7, 2A3
173EL84 SE 'Siamese' by R. LeGrand"A small little amp, with astounding musicality"Single Ended17.0ECC81,EL84
174VT 52 Single-Ended SRPPInlcudes PCB, photos, oscilloscope output, etc.Single Ended17.0ECC83, VT52
1753 Watt SE Amplifier with 6BM8 TubeLots of helpful text for beginners. Tube is also ECL82.Single Ended17.06BM8
176SE with Grundig AT3 transducers, KT88 Endröhren and EF800[From German]. Scheamtic link is at bottom of page.Single Ended18.0KT1807, KT88
1771626 Stereo AmpTwo watts, but 'drives speakers to ear-splitting volume'. Looks solid.Single Ended18.06SN7,1626(2)
178No.10 6rP22v2 (TOSIBA) SE STC V1Translated from the JapaneseSingle Ended19.012AT7,6RP22
179ECL 82 Ultralinear SE amplifier[From German]. Very compact and tidy.Single Ended19.0ECL82
180"Cleo V": VoorversterkerIn Dutch, I believeSingle Ended19.0AZ1,D3a,ECC88
1812A3 Single Ended AmplifierThose 2A3's can get expensive, thoughSingle Ended19.06U8(2),2A3
182211 SE Amp - from tutorialSee the text discussion at http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/saints/668/primer/se.htmlSingle Ended19.06SN7 (2), 211
183833 Tube AmpSee the 833 version, it's a hoot: http://www.tubelab.com/833SE.htmSingle Ended19.05842, 833
18435A AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended20.06J7, 35A
185EL84/6BQ5 SE Stereo Tube AmplifierRelatively common approach. Click on schematic to enlarge it.Single Ended20.0ECC82, EL84
186Audio Amplifier for Compactron TubesDiscussion of backgroundSingle Ended20.012AE10
187Output Transformerless (OTL) Amp[In Polish]. I like the schematic design.Single Ended20.0ECL86
1886L6 Amplifier[In Vietnamese] Scroll half way down.Single Ended20.0ECC81, 6L6
1896L6 SE AmpSchematic only. 3 WattsSingle Ended20.0ECC81, 6L6
190Russian Language Amplifier Schematic[In Vietnamese] Scroll half way down page. Schematic is next to the picture of Kurt CobainSingle Ended20.06SH32, 6H1P, GM70
191EL34 Single Ended Amplifier[In German]. Click "Schaltbild" for schematic, "Bauteile" for parts list. 2x3 Watts.Single Ended20.06SN7, EL34
192Simple Valve Amplifier with KT-88[From French]. KT-88 = 6550Single Ended20.0ECC808, KT88
193Power Amplifier[From French]. Schematic Only.Single Ended20.06AT6, 6AQ5
194Simple Stereo Amplifier with EL34[From French]. Project for engineering students; note the comparison with the Professor's model (further down the page)Single Ended20.0ECC88, EL34
195"Attilla": Single ended 300BXLS versterkerIn Dutch, I believeSingle Ended20.0D3a,27,300BXLS
1966550 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended21.06SN7, 6550
197KT88 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended21.0EF86, KT88
198ECL86 SE Amplifier[From German]. Several pictures of different peoples versions. 4 Watts total.Single Ended21.0ECL86
199Amplifier SYNOLA SE845[From German] I like his review of all the problems he encountered.Single Ended21.06FQ7, 6SN7, 845
200"Goliath": Single ended 211 versterkerIn Dutch, I believeSingle Ended21.0D3a,27,211
201Mr. Atarashi's Parafeed AmplifierAuthor is critical of values and quality of components, "feedback helps, but what's lost is lost".Single Ended21.0EF86, 6CA7, 845
202ECC83 / EL84 Amplifier[In Polish]. I need to find an online translator for this.Single Ended22.0ECC83, EL84
203Single Ended Tube Power AmplifierVery throughout account of what he went throughSingle Ended22.06SL7,6L6
204The new 300BXLS Single Ended AmplifierFrom Italy. Quite impressive, even in the prototype stageSingle Ended22.06EM7, 300B
205845 SE AmplifierNot sure if I got those tubes right. Also, the translation engine was having trouble with the French on the commentary page.Single Ended23.0ECC83,EL93,845
206"Magique", a SE-project with aspirationsWow, this is about as obsessive on parts and design as I've seen. 6 pages.Single Ended23.04606,45
207Parallel single end with single-aperture core output transformers[From German]. Cool looking, but I'm not sure I understand. 8 PL508 Endröhren and ECF80/E80FSingle Ended23.0ECF80, ECC82, PL508
2084W Audio Amplifier[In Russian]. Simple circuit found in a Russian forum. Scroll 1/3 way down page.Single Ended23.0EF86, 6P1p
209838 SE Amp[In German] Uses 6EM7 as driver tube.Single Ended23.06EM7, 838
210300B AmplifierLooks heavy.Single Ended23.0EF86,6CG7(2),300B
2116AS7 Amplifier[In Vietnamese] Scroll 60% of way down page to Post #31.Single Ended23.06BM8, 6AS7
212SE Audio Amplifer (English and Japanese)On a Japanese site, in English. See http://www.geocities.jp/shoranosekai/EnglishVersion.html for main link page to internals and schematic.Single Ended24.06AN8A, 45
2136 Watt SE EL34 Amplifier[In German]. Click "Schaltbild" for schematic, "Bauteile" for parts list.Single Ended24.06SN7, EL34
214The Bugle Single 45 AmplifierPDF File. From Sound Practices magazineSingle Ended24.06072, 45
2156BQ5 AmplifierSchematic only.Single Ended25.0ECC81, 6BQ5
216AMPLI KT88 Psuedo Triode[From French]. Several variations on this page.Single Ended25.0ECL82, KT88
217Amplifier / Phonkoffer[From German]. 2-stage amplifier for record player.Single Ended25.0ECC83, EL84
218“Talk Devil” - Amp[From German].Single Ended26.0ECC82, 4P1L
219Single ended amplifier with the famous 300B tubeHe really goes into detail on each of the parts.Single Ended26.06SN7,300B
220Endstufe mit ECL82[From German] The URL was too long to enter into my listing.Single Ended28.0ECL82 (2)
221"Nuance": 845 SE Mono Power AmplifierFrom "Sound Practices", I thinkSingle Ended29.06072a,300B,845
222True Triode Amplifier with 300B[From French]. Lot of colors and fonts on this page, that's for sure.Single Ended30.06BM8, 300B
223845 SE Mono Power AmplifierFrom Turkey. Article in Sournd Practices magazine.Single Ended30.06072A,300B,845
22410 Watt Stereo Amplifier using ECCL800 Tube[From French]. Tube name in schematic is apparently a typo.Single Ended32.06KH8
225Single Ended Amplifier, 6C41C, 2 x 6.5 Watts[From German]. Has VU meters, tunings eyes, etc.Single Ended32.0EC8010, 6SN7, 6C41, EM84
2266B4 SE Amplifier[From Japanese]. Schematic only. What's with all the capacitors?Single Ended33.05687, 6B4
22715W SE Power Amplifier with Two-Stage Driver.From a Danish site (I think). Interesting things on this site, including kits.Single Ended34.06SN7, 6J5, 6C33
2286L6GC SE AmplifierInteresting optional tone control, and comments on the inclusion of a Zobel networkSingle Ended34.012AX7, 6L6GT
229Single Ended 2 x 8 Watt Class "A" (KT88)Uses push-pull 6SN7, then KT88. In GermanSingle Ended48.06SN7 (2), KT88 (2)
230Audio Amplifier with transistor[In Dutch] Schematic Only.Single-Ended23.012AX7, 6V6
231DIY Plasma-TweeterLooks better than the other one.Speaker13.0PLC619, PL32
2326EM7 SE AUDIO AMPThis is a different approach to using the 6EM7SRPP + SE26.06SN7, 6EM7
233Building of 6BM8 ampInteresting construction on a cookie canSTC13.06AK5, 6BM8(2)
234Super Triode connection Circuit (STC)Japanese site, but in English. Good information. "New circuit invented in the 90's" Is that true? "Stream of Era" paragraph is some of the best writing on the web. Period. And what's with the doubel transformer?STC14.06BM8
2356BM8 STC AmplifierA Whole Lot of Theory on this very long pageSTC15.06AK5,6BM8
2366BM8 STC AmplifierWith discussion of circuit's theorySTC23.06AK5, 6BM8
2376360 AmplifierTranslated from the JapaneseSTC24.012AU7(2),6360
238Universal Amplifier to Test Popular TriodesInteresting set-up allows playing with tubes and, it appears, capacitorsTest Bed20.012AU7
239Universal Amplifier to Test 211/VT-4C Type TubesInteresting set-up allows playing with tubes and, it appears, capacitorsTest Bed20.012AX7
24050EH5 AmplifierChassis is an ashtray. And these heavy filaments essentially substitute for a power transformerX6.050EH5
241"HI-FI" Audio Amp Using Only 3VI'm not sure I understand this circuit; 50-100 MWX7.01S4
242Stereo-Verstärker, vier mal PL504"Stereo Amplifier" With four more PL504X8.0PL504 (4)
2436C45Pi AmplifierAs good-looking as they comex9.06C45,6C41
244Gegentaktverstärker mit vier EL95"Off-beat (?) Amplifier with EL95x9.0EL95 (2)
2456EM7 DC Coupled Triode AmpCan the parts count get much smaller? Run direct off a CD.x9.06EM7
246Stereo-Power mit Röhren"Stereo Power with Tubes". Cool looking tubes.X9.0SRS326 (2)
247Zweistufiger NF-Verstärker"Two-layered Amplifier"x10.0EF95
2486BM8 AmplifierSchematic Only.X10.06BM8
249"Darling" Amplifier With Lots of ExamplesWhat a Great Page! Dozens of versions of a simple design!X10.05965,1626
250Alfred P. Morgan 3-Tube Audio AmplifierBasic two-stage audio amplifierX12.012SQ7,35Z5,50C6
251A Single Ended Class A2 amplifier with the 4304CBOn what planet are these considered common tubes?X12.0REN904,R120,4304CB
252Röhren-Verstärker mit der ECC86"Tube Amplifier With the ECC86"X12.0ECC86
2531626 DARLING0.7 watts of output power.X12.06N1P,1626
25412GB7 Amplifier (Main page: http://homepage2.nifty.com/VT-12GB7/vamp/index.htm)Translated from the JapaneseX12.012AX7,12GB7
255EC88 RC 2A3 Dual-Mono Intergated AMPIn Chinese or English; Interesting main sitex13.0EC88,2A3
2562A3 Loftin-WhiteTranslated from the JapaneseX14.012AX7,2A3
257Big Tube AmpNow, that's a BEAST! I like the original approach to construction.X14.0437A,300B
258*ANGELO* A simple two stage AmplifierHe talks about some issues with 2 stage amps (driver and final)X14.06C45P,2A3
2595965/2A3 Amplifier byh Stephen ChenVERY Detailed construction photos. From the incredible linklist diysong.comx14.05965,2A3
2606B4G Integrated MonoUm, where is te 6B4G?X14.06C45,6C4C
2616SN7-2A3 power amplifierThe underside is as pretty as the top.X14.06SN7,2A3
262ECL80 AmplifierWhat is a "Verbundröhre"?X14.0ECL80
263EF95 and 6Sh1P as NF amplifiersI've got to learn those Russian tube numbering systemsX14.06Sh1P
2646S4 Micro Triode Amp1.25 Watts output.x15.06N1P (2), 6S4A
2656AQ5 AmplifierIn Chinese (I think)x15.012AT7,6AQ5
266RH 807 SESingle Ended Amp with some discussionX15.0ECC81,807
2676AQ5 AmplifierPreamp and power stageX15.012AX7,6AQ5
268Single Tube audiophile amplifierThis is for a single channel.X15.0ECL82
269Simple Power AmplifierIn Chinese or English; Interesting main sitex15.06C45PI,845
2706AQ5 BSD AmplifierI've been meaning to look up the meaning of BSD in this contextX16.012AX7,6FQ7,6AQ5
271"Five machine" 6CL6SETranslated from the JapaneseX16.06GY6,12AT7,6L6
2726BM8 super 3 amplifierInclude a FET. Page is translated from the Japanese, and some didn't convert.X16.06BM8
273UZ42 AmplifierTranslated from the JapaneseX16.012AX7,6FQ7,42
274N3P Amplifier"The Ñ3P is the Russian equivalent of the American 2C51 and 5670 - a double triode with middle slope and relatively high acceptable current load". Translated from the German.X18.0N3P(2)
275Mullard 3-Valve 3-Watt AmplifierMid-50's standard design, apparently. Change "1" at end of URL to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for other pagesX18.0EF86, EL84
2766CL6 super 3 amplifierInclude a FET. Page is translated from the Japanese, and some didn't convert.X18.012AT7,6CL6
277Five Tube Stereo Amplifier4 watts output max. per channel, 8 watts bridgedX19.06FS5,6K6
278EXPERIMENTS WITH PARAPHASE SPLITTERS (A Vacuum Tube "Multimedia" Amplifier)Can use 6X8A's, which I seem to have a lot of.x19.012AX7 (2), 6AQ5 (2)
279833 Ultra ParaFeed by R. de VriesCheck out the "factory floor". They said it took a week to construct these.X19.06SN7(2),300B(2)
280"Seven machine" 1619 super threeTranslated from the JapaneseX19.06AK5,12AT7,1619
281Francesca 2000 - a 572-3 DHT AmplifierAn Italian page in English. (We appreciate the effort). "The best discovery I've recently made is the new 6c45 Tube. This little monster si able to dissipate 8w, has insignificant noise and 900ohm Rp (!)."X20.06C45,2A3,572-3
282"Islander Construction" Audio AmplifierThis construction technique is "neat"X20.0[-]
283Audioverstärker mit der PCL86"Audio Amplifier with the PCL86"x21.0PCL86
284HIFi Power AmplifierEnglish and Italian versions of page available. Design is from an Italian magazine called Nuova Elettronica.X21.0ECC82,KT88
2856AN5 amplifierTranslated from the JapaneseX22.012AT7,6AN5(2)
286Pure Class A AmplifierIs a photo working?X22.0EF86,EL34,845
287Dual Triode Stereo AmplifierSchematic only, but seems simple enough.X22.012AX7
288STA-45 Stereo AmplifierLooks like a kit, but they let you see the schematic as well as a photoX22.012AU7,6BQ8
289Designing an Amplifier: Feedback AmplifierDetailed design approach, charts, formulas, etc.X24.012AX7, 12AU7, 6L6(2)
290845 20W A1 class monotriode amplifierTwo other projects lower on the pageX25.06SL7,300B,845
29125L6GT Power Amplifier Without Power TransformerAnother one that operates directly off the AC lineX25.025L6GT(4),6SN7(2)
2926BM8 Line Operated AmpSchematic OnlyX25.06BF6, 6BM8
293Li'l 4x4 Tube AmplifierClassic push-pull 35C5 designX26.012AX7, 35C5(2)
2945W Audio AmplifierSee /sbench101 main site for discussion linkx29.01U4 (3),6AK6 (2)
295Class A Amplifier, 5-7 WattsThis is an AX84 P1. See http://www.ax84.com/dp.php?pg=projects&project=p1x30.0EL34
296Dave Ewing's 300B Integrated stereo AmpNice looking. 50 Watts.x30.06SL7,6SN7(2),6AG7,300B
297Dave Ewing's 300B Integrated stereo ampNote the table it's on: a candlestick and a quill pen! It evokes that 1800's, "world lit only by fire and a 300B" feeling.X32.06SL7,6SN7(2),6AG7,300B
298D. T. N. Williamson tube amplifierVery extensive (10 pages) discussion of a classic circuit and the implications of its design ideas.X33.06SN7(3),KT88(2)
299HiFi mit Röhrengeräten (EL34)Uses 6SN7 for preamplifier, it looks like (in German)X34.06SN7 (2), EL34 (4)
300The most complete do it yourself guide on the D. T. N. Williamson tube amplifierDissection of a classic tube-based audio amplifierx34.06SN7 (2),KT66 (2)
301Croft Series 5 valve power amplifierFunny comment on the power arrangementX34.0ECC83(2),EL84(4)
3026CM5 / EL36: Applications in AudioNot sure about that middle tube.X35.012AX7,5965(?),6CM5
303HiFi mit Röhrengeräten (ECL82)HiFi with tubes. In German. Quite complete.X37.0ECL82 (6)
3046AN8 & EL84/6BQ5 Project AmplifierAn experiment using a line transformer as an output transformerX38.06AN8,6BQ5(2)
30545 46 300B Convertible Triode AmpRead the attached article on the Bugle amplifier from which this design is taken.x40.05751(2),45(2)
306Air-Cored Transformer AmplifierThe output transformer is AIR CORED. Check out the picture; the thing must be 2 feet in diameter.X58.0EL34(8),ECC82
307THE RADIO NEWS 1940 FULL-RANGE AMPLIFIERLooks way over-engineered to me.X60.06L7,6C5,6H6,6A3(2)